Well, it's the end of six and a much needed rest and bbq are in the offing. We've got to York and are staying with the fifth member of the team, Robin, who is doing the YJOG. Lots has happened over thep ast few days, but here's the summary:
Day 4The morning was set off on from Bradford-On-Avon at the Polly and Giles palace and while feeling the effects of Giles' birthday curry (most varied and high quality). I can't comment on anywhere else, but Alan and myself slept in the lounge and it was barely useable afterwards. Once the toilet was destroyed, we were on our way, with Claire, team driver and support expert driving the car.
We set off towards Melksham using a Giles route that was a little hilly, but very cycleable. We then headed towards Chippenham and the wind started to pick up and made progress slow. Once Chippenham had been conquered, it was cirencester next stop. Spent ages in Tesco getting lunch, which made the rest of the day slower, but eventually we were on our way again.
We headed off on the Fosse Way to Stow on the Wold, which was very posh. Then it was more Fosse Way (cough, spit) towards Leamington Spa. Fosse Way seemed like a good idea, but ended up being really hilly and hard work. The team now hates that road. Romans knew how to make straight roads, but hadn't figuered out, sadly, that it is often easier to follow the contours!
Mileage - 80m
Average Speed - 13.8mph
Top Speed (PM/PG) - 46.3mph
Day 5A late set off on the Fosse Way heading towards Rugby on the A429 after a short stint on the B4455 (Fosse Way). During the early stint, Giles managed to get blu tac stuck in his chainset, we still don't know how. "I was just riding along and suddenly I couldn't move the pedals. We looked at the rear derailleur and there was blu tac there. I thought it was game over for the bike, but we managed to get it out and get on the road again".
We headed North to Lutterworth, loving the Hills up to the M6 out of Rugby. A lady managed to shout at Polly for missing the cycle lane that didn't have a sign on it!! That girl is just full of the Faux Pas's.
Once we hit Lutterworth, it was time for Giles to work his magic and find us a cheeky off the beaten track route, which got us up Northern quicker, but did tease us by going via his parents house where there was a copious amount of chocolate cake (there were suggestions of breaking and entering).
We got to Melton Mowbray at about 3.30pm for lunch and enjoyed a most tranquil spot by the river and enjoyed a nice sandwich and pasty from Greggs. As an aside, we were served by a most helpful young lady who was bang on the pulse. Not. Her tongue was hanging out and she had a forehead that kept the rain off her feet.
Then it was a fast stretch into the real North towards Newark-On-Trent. We got onto the A46 North and maxxed it at a superfast pace and made it to Newark in no time at all. We camped at a place with 3 lakes that was also tranquil (apart from the din from the sugar factory) and had lots of caravans and fishing people. There were some pikeys staying there, but the bikes were still there in the morning, which was nice.
Mileage - 90m
Average speed - 13.9mph
Top Speed (PG) - 44.5mph
Day 6We set off from Newark-On-Trent at 8.45am and headed towards Gainsborough, after a tip from a local (Pete's friend Byron) that it was flat apart from the infamous Lincoln edge. We were well cared for by Claire for breakfast and managed a good set off towards the North. Interestingly it was a nice day, but got colder the further we got. There was ice and snow all around before long. Often there were icebergs drifting down the rivers.
The infamous Lincoln ridge turned out to be little more than a hillock and no challenge to those used to the Cornish hills. The stretch to Gainsborough was largely flat and we took advantage by going for it on the speed and beasted the first stretch to Gainsborough, then the next to Goole. We knew we were North as soon as we left Gainsborough and saw a dead ferret on the side of the road. It just doesn't get more Northern. As we made our way North to Goole, we saw many power stations, it was very Northern, every few miles, there was a new power station. You thought to look one way and a new power station was there. Otherwise, there was some really nice scenery to go through.
We thought the Ferret was the ultimate in Northernness, but then we saw Goole. It is a dump extraordinaire. If there was an award for Britain's Ugliest Town, Goole would be all over it big stylee. Dominated by a large port and industry and populated by inbred mutants that speak only in Northern, it was a total dump and we got out of Dodge as soon as we could. Apart from stopping for 20 mins for our lunch anyway. (apologies to anyone from Goole who is offended by the preceding paragraphs).
After a fine lunch of sandwiches and sausage rolls (more athlete food!), we headed North into a stiff head wind, which was tough going, but the Ledge earned his name by leading the pace. It was then on to Selby and into York from there.
Mileage - 85m
Avg Speed - 15.4mph
Top Speed (PG) - 39mph
Next update asap. Ciao Bye. Pete, Giles, Pol, Ledge, Claire, Robin.